I am an associate research scientist at the Institute for a Disaster Resilient Texas at Texas A&M University. My research broadly focuses on fostering a sustainable built environment system that is resilient to coastal and inland flooding. Specifically, my research evaluates the factors responsible for the increasing rate of flood impacts in urban communities, while also drawing on the broader theory of hazard resiliency to propose mitigation strategies that reduce damages caused by flooding.
In my research, I apply quantitative and geospatial methodologies to identify interactions between the built environment system and natural hazards. Current mitigation policies are failing in reducing hazard impacts as losses from frequent flood events continue to increase and communities struggle to recover. The urban system is complex and dynamic, requiring planning across multiple scales; however, policies are outdated and reactionary to specific flood events, providing limited protection to individuals, properties, and communities. To address this complex issue, my research uses novel methodologies to measure the impact of natural hazards on the built environment, examine the effectiveness of hazard mitigation strategies, and explore how communities can use a transboundary approach to flood hazard mitigation for more effective outcomes.
Some of my most recent projects include modeling risk and exposure for state hazard mitigation plans, assessing flood mitigation strategies for coastal and inland communities, modeling property loss and business interruptions from hurricane events, projecting damages to future development from hurricane events with the influence of sea-level rise, and landscape alteration policies for reducing inland urban flooding at both regional and local scales. I also specialize in identifying the spatial characteristics of buyout programs and propose efficient strategies for open space acquisition and floodplain management.
Ph.D. Urban and Regional Science (2018), Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
MS. Geographic Information Systems (2013), Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX
BS. Urban and Regional Planning (2008), Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria
Research and Teaching Interests
Methods: Geographic information sciences (GIScience), Spatial analysis, Spatial econometrics, Flood exposure modeling, Hazus-MH, Python.
Specialty: Land-use Planning, Flood mitigation, Flood infrastructure, Property acquisition, Managed retreat, Built environment, Sustainable communities, Floodplain management.