About me

I am a research scientist at the Institute for a Disaster Resilient Texas, and a research fellow at the Center for Housing and Urban Development at Texas A&M University. I also teach at the Bush School of Government and Public Policy at Texas A&M University. I am a broadly trained urban planner and interdisciplinary scholar with a keen interest in built environment interactions with natural hazards. I received my Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Science from Texas A&M University; an M.S. in Geographic Information Systems from Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX; and a B.S. in Urban and Regional Planning from Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria. I previously served as a Research Fellow and Instructor at South Dakota State University from 2016-2018.
I have both academic and industry experience in geospatial analysis and modeling. Prior to starting graduate school, I worked as a Lidar data analyst at Geodigital Corporation and other applied geospatial statistics positions and internships. In 2017, I received international funding to participate in the NSF Partnership in International Research and Education (PIRE) program, which enabled me to engage in flood risk research in the Netherlands. Many of my research projects are service driven as I focus on the broader impacts at the early stages of my research and participate in projects that promote the public engagement of socially marginalized groups in high-hazard risk zones. I am an alumnus and mentor of the William Averette Anderson Fund which promotes the engagement of underrepresented groups in natural hazards education, planning, and research.